I'm a scientist working at the intersection of data science and chemical engineering. I'm the creator of Summit, Chemios and other projects.About MePublicationsPress CoverageBlog
- 1 July 2024: Our paper on combining machine learning & PCP-SAFT is out in the Chemical Engineering Journal!
- November 6 2023: I started a job at Merck in the US 😊.
- October 2023: I finished my PhD at the University of Cambridge!
- July 7 2023: I won the best presentation award at the 6th Machine Learning and AI in Bio(Chemical) Engineering in Cambridge!
- 9 September 2022: I won the PSE Summer School presentation award for my talk on DeepGamma.
- 17 March 2022: You can find my short paper on predicting activity coefficients using deep learning here (published at one of the AAAI workshops). More work to come!
- 17 June 2021: I gave a talk about my work on reaction optimization at the Lablinks launch event.
- 27 April 2021: I gave a talk at the Autonomous Discovery Symposium. See a video recording.
- February 4 2021: New paper out in Chemistry Methods on Summit!